Release notes

A log of software updates. What's been added, fixed, improved and changed.

We have a roadmap but it is worth noting that the app evolves directly off feedback from enthusiastic users.

13 May 2024

  • New Folders in the sidebar (courtesy of Greg)
  • New Rearrange order of ‘Prices’ and ‘Projects’ in sidebar
  • Improved Data warning banner can now be hidden
  • Removed Ability to import rows from other prices
  • Removed ‘Projects’ were rarely used
    let us know if this is an issue
  • New Example prices are loaded optionally from settings
  • Improved Redesigned the description field on Rows
    – allow multiple lines
    – make text italic (cmd+i) and bold (cmd+b)
    – can paste from clipboard (including richtext and images)
    NB: paste, bold & italic only working in Chrome (so far)
  • Fixed Project margin calculates correctly
  • Fixed Time cost in Price Summary calculates correctly
  • Fixed Deleting the final child of a parent (in some circumstances) no longer breaks that parent row
  • Removed ‘Reference’ rows can now longer be added
    – they were rarely use, if ever it seems, and they add considerable complexity
    let us know if this is an issue

NB: Started work on saving data into user accounts on the cloud.

  • New The name ‘Trifle’. A small but important change.
  • Fixed Longer Price names no longer overflow the modal when importing rows
  • New Create Projects to aggregate Prices
    – add one or many Prices to a Project
    – view summary figures for the Project
    – reorder, colour, enable/disable Prices within a Project
  • New Some visual redesign with ‘thick rules’
  • New Apply rounding to the headline figures of a Price
  • New Option in settings to export & import all saved data
  • Improved Setting the headline price now has few options:
    – calculate figure from rows or set a fixed price
    – a tax rate is now set here
    – rounding (see above)
  • Improved Replaced some icons that are (hopefully) more intuitive
  • Improved Added ‘tooltips’ to buttons (hover for a second and they'll appear)
  • Improved Edit Price or Project names directly by clicking on them
  • Improved UoM type is now remembered for when you create the next new row
  • Improved Exported price filenames now include the time to be more specific
  • Improved Financial data is more consistently formatted
  • Fixed Can safely delete a parent row where its descendants include references
  • Fixed Disabled rows are fully removed from summary figures
  • New Parent rows can display summaries of descendants' time and materials
  • New We now save a few things as you move around the app
    – summary items at the top of a Price
    – parent row expand/collapse
    – parent row summary show/hide
  • Improved Row context menu is now more obviously a menu (3 vertical dots)
  • Improved UoM (Unit of Measure) button now cycles through options rather than showing a menu
  • Improved Prices with mark-up set to zero, won't show mark-up icons on row totals
  • Improved Hovering the commit hash on these release notes show a preview of the app at that release
  • Fixed Qty on parent rows affects summaries as they should
  • Fixed Indenting a row consistently places it last child of its new parent
  • New Rows can be nested (indented & outdented)
  • New Show and toggle mark-up on row total, or all rows
  • Improved Adding rows is now faster & simpler
  • Improved Cleaner visual aethetic, row colour less brash, more icons in menus
  • Improved Better example Prices
  • Improved Show commit hash for previous releases with link to the app at that time
  • Fixed Various visual styles
  • New Prices can be imported directly from Price Add modal
  • Improved app now deployed on Netlify with zero downtime
  • Improved CSS now purged at build to control file size (may revert as not robust)
  • New Rows can have background colours set from a palette
  • Improved better backend workflow for placeholder / example prices
  • Improved nicer browser titles and a neutral favicon
  • Fixed minor bugs and refactoring
  • New Mark-up and tax set per Price, defaults for new Prices in settings
  • New width adjustable left sidebar on wider screens
  • New Prices can be exported (json) and imported
  • New Browser shows Price Name in tab (html title tag)
  • Improved better styles on mobile
  • Improved information on homepage
  • Fixed Import rows shows all fields and parent row Qty, Rate & RowTotal values correct
  • Fixed various bugs and styles

Initial release

  • New Data saved to browser’s local storage
  • New App can be `reset` by user with button
  • New Prices can be added, edited, renamed, duplicated
  • New Headline Price can be computed (cost+markup) or fixed
  • New Prices have summary options including Cost, Profit, Margin,
  • New Rows can be added, edited, reordered (between siblings), deleted, duplicated
  • New Rows can be imported from other prices
  • New Reference rows can be created, edited
  • New Parent rows Qty can be edited
  • New Default prices as examples
  • New Intended for desktop screens, but functional on mobile

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